Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Tinto After School Care (Glasgow) will be operating under current Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidelines and Restrictions.

Parents will also be expected to follow these guidelines when attending the after school, this includes social distancing and face masks must be worn at all times.

If you have been told to isolate, if anyone in your family has been told to isolate, if you have been on holiday and were told to quarantine on your return, or you or your  child/children are unwell then please remember to follow Government Guidelines and please do not attend the club.

If you or your family do not follow Government Guidelines on quarantine or restrictions then this could seriously impact on the running of the club.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tinto After School Care (Glasgow)

Health & Safety


1) Staff to use lightweight visors and latex-free gloves
2) Sanitise hands every 30 mins
3) Wash hands every hour
4) Minimise physical contact with kids where possible
5) Spray soles of shoes with disinfectant upon entering and leaving the club


1) To sanitise hands every 30 mins or when changing bubbles or leaving the toilet
2) To wash hands every hour regardless
3) Spray shoes soles with mild disinfection solution
4) Teach kids to try to avoid physical contact with other kids at all times
5) To sanitise hands before entering play areas and immediately before leaving area at collection time


1) Use of disposable plates, cups and cutlery only
2) Up to 6 hand sanitation stations to be established
3) Parents not allowed to enter main play area and to hand-over and collect kids at external front door area only
4) Bell push and chime to be used by parents dropping off and collecting children
5) Establish 4 x primary play area bubbles and control and manage who has access and when
6) Spend as much time in outdoor play spaces as possible when weather is fair
7) Ask parents to agree to our club usage terms by signing our Covid -19 Prevention and Awareness agreement to cover the above
8) All handles and door knobs to be wiped with ant-bac wipes every hour (inc external doors)